Braudel Papers Nos. 39 & 40 (2006). Versions also in Spanish and Portuguese. The causes and consequences of the rise of Hugo Chávez in the long-term thrust of Venezuelan development.
Part 1: Why Chávez?
Part 2: The Boivarian Revolution
Colapso aconteceu na estrada que liga a capital a porto e aeroporto Artigo publicado no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, em 21 de março de 2006.
Article - Portuguese“La dudosa obra de Chávez” and “El caos petrolero,” two-part series in El País. Madrid: March 27 & 28, 2006. Reproduced on Venezuelan websites and
La Dudosa obra de Chávez
Article - SpanishEl caos pretolero
Article - Spanish“Chávez sobreviverá à desordem?", January 22, 2006;
Article - English Article - PortugueseO estilo de Chávez de governar
Article - English Article - PortugueseDesordem na Venezuela afeta prretóleo
Article - English Article - PortugueseForbes, January 19, 1981. Taped interview with Venezuelan Oil Minister Humberto Calderon Berti, published together with OPEC document on strategy for the 1980’s.
Artigo publicado no jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, em 05 de junho de 2004 e no Jornal La Nacion, em 07 de junho de 2004
Article - Portuguese Article - SpanishForeign Policy. No. 18, Spring 1975. Spanish version published in Resumen, Caracas, March 30, 1975; Portuguese version published in Opiniao, Rio de Janeiro, in three installments, March 14, 21, 28, 1975. The politics of nationalization and implications for the U.S. and world economy.
Article - EnglishThe New York Times, Sunday, March 17, 1974, p. F16 (financial section). Spanish version published in El Nacional, Caracas, March 24, 1974, p. A6.
American Universities Field Staff - January 1973
Article - EnglishAmerican Universities Field Staff - January 1973
Article - EnglishLe Monde, September 9, 1972
American Universities Field Staff - January 1972/73
Part 1: Yeras of Insurrection
Article - EnglishPart 2: A New Party
Article - EnglishAmerican Universities Field Staff - December 1971
Article - EnglishLe Monde, April 28, 1971
The Wall Street Journal, (editorial page), December 17, 1968. Analysis of Raphael Caldera’s victory in the 1968 election.
The Wall Street Journal, (editorial page), October 27, 1967. Also, Die Zeit, Hamburg. With emphasis on Castro’s feud with the Venezuelan Communist Party
The Economist, September 30, 1967. Destruction of the FALN’S “Strategic Sabotage Command” in Caracas, amid internal dissention.
The Economist, August 7, 1965. The army’s offensive against the guerrillas in western Venezuela based on a revisit to the guerrilla zone.
New Statesman, April 16, 1965
The New Leader, April 12, 1965; also in The Congressional Record, Senate, April 28, 1965, p. 8513. First reports from guerrilla zone on spreading insurgency, based on a four-week visit to Venezuela for The Washington Post, December 1964- January 1965, six articles
The San Juan Star. December 2, 1963. Coverage of Venezuelan presidential election and interview with victorious candidate Raul Leoni.
The San Juan Star. December 7, 1963. Interview with COPEI leader Rafael Caldera and analysis of the party’s prospects
The New York Review of Books, November 15, 1973. An overview of Venezuela politics and society on the eve of the 1973 elections
Article - Portuguese Article - English